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The Best Baby Bottles

The Best Baby Bottles

New moms, listen up! What bottle are you using to feed your newborn? To make sure you’re using nothing but the best, here are the best baby bottles for infants. If you’ve never had to feed a baby with a bottle, you may not know what makes a good baby bottle. You’ve not had to deal with drippy tops or fussy babies who don’t like the feel of the nipple.

Fortunately, you’re here. And you’re doing your due diligence.Why? Because you care for your baby. You want the best. But what is the best? What constitutes a well-made baby bottle?

We’ve set down a list of the best baby bottles out there right now. So scroll onward to get all of your nascent questions answered.

The Best Baby Bottles: Options for Newborns and Babies

The best baby bottles are the ones your baby seems to enjoy. If they get fussy or don’t latch on correctly, you might want to consider a switch. Our list is your best bet at making your baby happy.

1. Munchkin Latch Newborn BPA-Free Baby Bottles

Munchkin Latch Newborn BPA-Free Baby Bottles

Another anti-colic bottle, the Munchkin Latch bottles are kind of cute if you ask us. They actually look like little munchkins. Otherwise, the latch isn’t the best on this bottle. You might have to push the bottle back in your child’s mouth a few times before she finally latches on.

The amazing thing about the Munchkin Latch Newborn Baby bottle is the shape of its nipple. The shape is less irritating for your newborn. The teat is sloped downward and this allows the tip to slide up against the roof of your newborn’s mouth. What does this do? It helps with bottle rejection.

best baby bottles

If you’re switching between the real thing and the bottle, your newborn needs something that feels familiar. And the best baby bottle is designed to feel familiar. The last thing we need from a baby bottle is a quick drip that causes colic. This bottle actually includes an anti-colic system that vents air into the bottle from the small holes at the base of the nipple.

2. Dr. Brown’s Original Bottles

Dr. Brown's Original Bottles Newborn Feeding Set

Dr. Brown invented this bottle system to specifically combat colic. If you look at the bottles, you’ll notice a small straw leading out from the nipple and into the bottle. This straw is a patented two-piece feeding system. It prevents negative pressure.

In fact, they create a positive pressure just like real breasts. This feature alone sets it apart from other bottles on our list. And if it weren’t for the amazing nipple shape on our previous entry, this would be number one. If you are still uncomfortable with glass, Dr. Brown sells a BPA-free version of his system. It works just the same, but it’s plastic and less environmentally friendly.

3. Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottles

Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottles

The Comotomo is a great bottle for switching between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. The nipple is natural and helps prevent bottle rejection. And the bottle isn’t made of mere plastic. It’s made of silicone. Another thing that makes this bottle great is the wide base below the nipple. It feels more breast-like than other bottles. And it allows the child to rest their cheek on the bottle comfortably while nursing.

best baby bottle

The biggest drawback of this model is the inability to see the numbers on the side of the bottle. The numbers are transparent and you have to tilt the bottle in a certain way to see the numbers well. This could be a problem when feeding. You have to stop the feeding, tilt the bottle into the light, find the numbers, and then start feeding again. Your newborn could get very fussy during this whole process.

4. Phillip’s AVENT Natural Baby Bottles

Phillip's AVENT Natural Baby Bottles

These are the cheapest bottles on our list. They aren’t much worse than the others. But their price does reflect a slight lack of quality. The base and the nipples are fairly narrow. We wouldn’t recommend this bottle if you’re switching between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. It might take a few feedings to train your baby to feed on this bottle without a fuss.

The venting system works well. Yet, it’s not nearly as great as Dr. Brown’s. In fact, it comes nowhere near. But if you need a cheaper option than Dr. Brown’s this bottle is still among the best baby bottles you can get for the price.

5. Chicco NaturalFit Glass Baby Bottles

Chicco NaturalFit Glass Baby Bottles

If you’re looking for a great alternative to plastic, glass baby bottles are the way to go. They are more durable, and easier to care for. This Chicco NaturalFit bottles are some of the best glass baby bottles on the market. We love that they include a silicone sleeve to help you and eventually baby grip onto the bottle. The wide opening and angled nipple make feeding and cleaning no problem.

best glass baby bottle

The biggest problem with glass is weight and fragility. Glass baby bottles are made with thick, shatter resistant glass, but it will take longer for your baby to be able to hold them up. They can also me more difficult on the go, as they will weigh down a diaper bag a bit more.

The Best Baby Bottles: Safety Features

BPA Free Baby Bottles

BPA stands for bisphenol. It’s a chemical that’s been around since the 60s. And we’ve used it in our plastics for a long time. Recently some evidence came to light that BPA could cause cancer. The FDA is still reviewing whether this is true. But even if it’s possibly true, do you want your child’s lips coming in contact with a possible carcinogenic chemical?

That’s why we recommend BPA-free baby bottles. You will know that at least one harmful chemical isn’t in the plastic used to make your baby’s bottle.

Glass Baby Bottles

The next best baby bottles aren’t plastic at all but glass. While you might worry that glass might break and cut your baby, these bottles are a sturdy addition to your diaper bag.

best glass baby bottles

Anti-Colic Valves

The anti-colic valve is at the bottom of these bottles instead of at the top of the bottle. It’s an interesting idea and it seems to work just fine. It lets air into the bottle as it’s drained into your baby’s mouth. This dispels any negative pressure from the bottle that would be created by the sucking.

There is a lack of positive pressure creation with this method. Dr. Brown’s bottles use a different method that creates positive pressure. We’ll touch more on this in the section on Dr. Brown’s baby bottles below.

Transition Bottles

If you don’t always bottle feed and switch back and forth, you want a bottle that feels good for your baby. Bottle rejection is a real problem for mothers who don’t always want to breastfeed. If you want to switch it up and not experience bottle rejection, find a bottle with silicone tops. This is a soft material that mimics human flesh. It will feel better on your child’s cheek and inside their mouth.